
Plugin | Curve Real Distance Dividing


This code is wrote for seeking certain points on a curve that the “real distances” are equal. It is providing two modes, similar to rhino curve divide, one is dividing by user input length, the other one is by numeric segment. Showing points and the polyline is optional too. 

The algorithmic on the back is the “divide and conquer”.

snap0401[4].jpg snap0400[4].jpg



        rvb:                   plugin:

installation: drag the plugin to your rhino and you are all set.

Run it by typing command "xCurveDivRealDistance" or go to the menu "xTool".


Plugin | even dividing lines


The code is wrote for linework seating equally on the structure guides. Comparing to extracting UV isopalms , the benefit is the spacing is much more predictable. Plus, you don’t have to build a surface first for the UV lines – you can focus on working with construction lines.

[Snap6[5].jpg] [Snap5[4].jpg]

You need to have some construction guide for the linework.

then you can apply the code


it is even concerned the circular conditions!

Here is another sample which you can see the difference:

[Snap1[4].jpg]  [Snap3[4].jpg]

extracted from UV rebuild: you can see some really dense area,where might hard to absorb architectural  element thickness

Here is much evener


drug the rhp file into rhino and

Type in command “xEvenLines” to get it run